Das dunkelblaue Logo von WOLFFBERG Management Communication



Your partner for social communication with paramount influence.

WOLFFBERG Management Communication shapes communication for decision-makers from the fields of economy, policy and society.
In your daily business and during crises.

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Communication expertise

WOLFFBERG provides clarity and security for its clients. We are the experts by your side – drawing from almost 30 years of experience in strategic and crisis communication.

Urgent support and long-term strategy

We transform conflict to success, problem to solution, and goals into reality. No matter which obstacles you face, we pave the way to successful communication in political, social and economic environments with your business strategy in mind.

Capable and creative.
Sensible and swift.
Driven and diplomatic.

Regional, national and all over the globe.



Based in the city of Leipzig, WOLFFBERG offers unique expertise complemented by a vast network of contacts in the private sector, politics, government and media. Benefitting from a team well-versed in management, WOLFFBERG helps your business succeed in strategic communication and crisis management. From central Germany, a team of former government leaders, managers and executives, journalists and academics are ready to champion your next challenge.

In our work, we encorporate sustainable practicability and consequent action while always remaining direct and fair. Our collaboration is based on deep trust and emotional alignment – for a reliable and long-lasting relationship.

Strategische Kommunikationsberatung

Strategic Communication Consulting

WOLFFBERG brings your strategically important decisions to your stakeholders and to the public in a concise and convincing manner. We turn your content into success factors.

Krisenkommunikation und Reputationsmanagement

Reputation and Crisis Communication

WOLFFBERG prevents a crisis in your field from happening, or steps in when it does. Our crisis management measures provide a broad and proven shield for your reputation. We will guide you through any and all crises to ensure the protection of your brand and its long-lasting value.

Politikberatung und gesellschaftliche Interessenvertretung

Policy Consultation and Social Advocacy

WOLFFBERG knows the right audience for your ideas. We act in your interest, present you in the best light and strategically prepare the dialogue to help you achieve your goals.

Medienmonitoring und Issues-Management

Media Monitoring and Issues Management

WOLFFBERG trusts in an integrated risk management. We identify and rapidly defuse potential sources of conflict through systematic observation and analysis of relevant groups, topics, and events. We identify risks early to proactively preserve your reputation.

WOLFFBERG operates in a variety of sectors, including:

Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel bei der Verleihung der Ehrendoktorwürde der HHL Handelshochschule Leipzig

Economy and Education

WOLFFBERG is versed in supporting companies of any size, as well as universities and educational institutions in all their communicative endeavours.

WOLFFBEG Michael Kretschmer Prime-Minister of Saxony

Politics and Administration

WOLFFBERG utilizes their many years of practice and an extensive network throughout all political levels.

Kommunikationsberatung Paracelsus Kliniken Jens Spahn WOLFFBERG

Health and Science

WOLFFBERG is familiar with the particular demands in the medical and scientific field.

Zimmermann, Geschäftsführer WOLFFBERG Management Communication und Ralf Rangnick, Vorstand der Ralf Rangnick Stiftung

Non-Profit and Public Facilities

WOLFFBERG steers the public eye to matters of social relevance.


International reach

WOLFFBERG fosters communication and establishes ties between powerful actors across sectors and regions.

Conversation flows between Prof. Ulf Schirmer, former director of the Leipzig Opera, Christina Lagarde, president of the European Central Bank, and Peter Zimmermann, CEO of WOLFFBERG Management Communication.
Conversation flows between Prof. Ulf Schirmer, former director of the Leipzig Opera, Christina Lagarde, president of the European Central Bank, and Peter Zimmermann, CEO of WOLFFBERG Management Communication.

Multicultural connection

High-level politicians and leading figures from society come together at events organized and executed by WOLFFBERG.

Burkhard Jung, Mayor of Leipzig | Ralf Rangnick, Manager of the Austrian national team | Peter Zimmermann, CEO of WOLFFBERG Management Communication | Michael Kretschmer, Prime Minister of Saxony
Burkhard Jung, Mayor of Leipzig | Ralf Rangnick, Manager of the Austrian national team | Peter Zimmermann, CEO of WOLFFBERG Management Communication | Michael Kretschmer, Prime Minister of Saxony

Promoting societal dialogue in our "Salon Brückenkopf"

In the exclusive forum „Salon Brückenkopf” we strive to enable and strengthen constant societal exchange through regular discussion panels..

We welcome leaders from all sectors and professional areas:

  • Nils Haupt (Head of Corporate Communications at Lufthansa Cargo AG)
  • Prof. Dr. Georg Milbradt (Former Minister-President of Saxony, Federal Government Commissioner for Administrative Restructuring and Decentralisation in Ukraine)
  • Christoph Lanz (Director TV at Deutsche Welle)
  • Clueso (Singer and Producer)
  • Peter Kloeppel (Editor-in-chief of „RTL Aktuell“)
  • Ole von Beust (Former Mayor of Hamburg)
  • Sebastian Krumbiegel (Singer and Composer)
  • Prof. Dr. Roland Wöller (State Minister of the Interior in Saxony)
  • Michael Ballack (Former soccer player of the German national team)
  • Bodo Ramelow (Minister-President of Thuringia)
  • Jens Spahn (Member of Parliament and Federal Minister of Health)
  • Prof. Dr. Kai Gniffke (Editor-in-Chief of Tagesschau)
  • Michael Kretschmer (Minister-President of Saxony)
  • Katrin Göring-Eckardt (Vice President of the Bundestag)
  • Dr. Thomas de Maizi«re (Former Member of Parliament and Federal Minister of the Interior)
  • Burkhard Jung (Mayor of Leipzig)
  • Ralf Rangnick (Coach at RasenBallsport Leipzig e. V.)
  • Mike Mohring (Chair of CDU in the State Parliament of Thuringia)
  • Eric Malitzke (CEO DPD Deutschland)
  • Christine Lieberknecht (Former Minister-President of Thuringia)
  • Prof. Dr. Johannes Beermann (Member of the Executive Board of Deutsche Bundesbank)
  • Dr. Stefan Traeger (Chairman of JENOPTIK AG)
  • Dr. Jens Bodo Koch (CEO Heckler & Koch)
  • Prof. Dr. Peter M. Huber (Justice of the Federal Constitutional Court)
  • Dr. Peter Frey (Editor-in-chief of the German televison channel ZDF 2010–2022)

Regional activity

WOLFFBERG is proud to support art and culture in their communicative needs, such as Leipzig’s world-famous Gewandhaus Orchestra.

The Gewandhaus Orchestra conducted by Andris Nelsons at its New Year’s Eve concert © Gert Mothes
The Gewandhaus Orchestra conducted by Andris Nelsons at its New Year’s Eve concert © Gert Mothes

Our specialists

Peter Zimmermann | Geschäftsführer | WOLFFBERG Management Communication

Peter Zimmermann

CEO and Senior Consultant | Secretary of State (retd)

Sandra Schneider | Senior Kommunikationsberaterinn | Mitglied der Geschäftsleitung | WOLFFBERG Management Communication

Sandra Schneider

CEO and Senior Consultant

Juliane Oecknick | WOLFFBERG Management Communication | Referentin der Geschäftsführung

Juliane Oecknick

Executive Assistant to the Management

Evelyn Tesarz | WOLFFBERG Management Communication | Kaufmaennische Referentin

Evelyn Tesarz

Commercial Advisor

Hansjörg König | Senior Kommunikationsberater | WOLFFBERG Management Communication

Hansjörg König

Senior Communication Consultant | Secretary of State (retd)

Patrick Schwalger | WOLFFBERG Management Communication | Kommunikationsberater

Patrick Schwalger

Communication Consultant

Stephanie Meyer | WOLFFBERG Management Communication | Kommunikationsberaterin

Stephanie Meyer

Communication Consultant